Some things don't make sense. Last Friday was one of the hottest days of the year around here, so far (106). At least it was cooler than Saturday (111) and Sunday (113).
I had contemplated calling up a friend on Thursday evening to see if he wanted to play golf on Friday. I decided that it was just too darned hot and didn't call. So what happens? Friday morning he called me. Since Mrs. Dirpus had to work that afternoon, like an idiot, I decided to go.
If you ever want to play golf when it's not crowded, go on a day when the temperature is over 105 degrees. We pretty much had the place to ourselves. At least we had enough sense to get a cart. The lady driving the drink cart around the course kept coming by to make sure we hadn't died. I think her job was more paramedic than bartender that day.
So blah, blah, blah The point of this, and the part that doesn't make sense.
Mad dogs and Englishmen, and apparently golfers go out in the mid-day sun. But I shot my best score in 25 years. Mrs. Dirpus thinks the reason is that because of the heat, we drank water instead of beer. I don't buy it. I think it's because the heat loosened up our old joints and kept us from trying to swing too hard. Whatever the reason, I may have to invest in a lot of sunscreen and play some more before this heat wave ends.
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