They'll give a blog to anybody.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tax Freedom Day

Most people define "Tax Freedom Day" as the point in the year where you have earned enough to pay your tax obligation for the year. I think that it is usually some time in May.

I have a different definition. Today is the last day of work for me at my second job preparing other people's income taxes. No more 9-10 days of regular job followed by 3-5 hour nights doing taxes. I'll miss the extra money. My wife won't miss the extra grumpiness brought on by sheer exhaustion and by having to be around people all day (I'm an introvert, people wear me out).

Maybe I'll get the back yard mowed. Of course it will have to STOP RAINING first.


I thought about making this a double post Thursday, but was afraid I might give Mrs. Dirpus a heart attack. I'll just change the subject a little.

Congratulations to Mrs. Dirpus. She managed to get through an entire tax season without catching pneumonia or having to be admitted to the hospital. Nicely done.


Blogger Martha in CA said...

YAY Bride of Dirpus!! Woohoo!!!

4/13/2006 11:26 AM


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