They'll give a blog to anybody.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Waste of Time

Mrs. Dirpus and I went to CPR training at church on Saturday along with about 30 other people from church. Most of the attendees were at church yesterday and nobody had a heart attack. What a waste of a Saturday. All that training and no one to use for practice.

It's kind of like college. I haven't tried to design a circuit since I graduated. I think I'm detecting a trend. If you don't want something to happen, be prepared for it. If I could only figure out the opposite. How do I get the million dollars without doing anything? If you have the answer be sure to pass it on. I'm sure nobody I know has that answer.


Blogger Nancy D. said...

Checking your blog is getting to be a waste of time.....

4/12/2006 10:33 PM


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