They'll give a blog to anybody.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I Don't Know

I would like to write something profound, or at least humorous, here. I know there are 2 or 3 people that check here every once in a while and I'd like to give them something new to read. I just haven't been inspired lately. Sorry.

I went to see my doctor yesterday to get some things checked out. It ended up that the things Mrs. Dirpus was concerned about were nothing serious. A thickening achilles tendon as a result of when I partially ruptured it playing football in college and some mild athletes foot. The first, I can't do anything about. The second, I got some kind of cream to put on my feet. It should clear right up.

I also found out that the bump on my wrist is a cyst and not calcium build up from when I broke it in the 8th grade. Nothing to do about that either.

Such is the excitement of my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I'm happy to hear from you. And glad to hear the doctor's appointment went ok. But I'm still waiting to hear if you've called Dave's parents yet...


8/29/2006 8:56 PM

Blogger Dirpus said...

Nope. I haven't called his parents yet. Thanks for the reminder.

8/30/2006 5:24 AM

Blogger agent713 said...

You could inventory the contents of your purse... Bwahahahaha!
~Heidi...regular reader...

8/30/2006 9:59 AM


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