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Friday, December 29, 2006

Faster Than A Speeding... Glacier?

Martha posted a comment a couple of posts back about making my old company suffer before I come back as a consultant. I can relate to the sentiment, but it's not the fault of the people I work with that I'm leaving. So, it's not fair to make them pay for it.

But, the not making it quick and easy part will be handled.

I guess Microsoft had an issue in the last few years about the classification of staff as employees or consultants. The fallout is that companies don't want to hire a consultant directly. Most companies are going through staffing companies to insulate themselves from any wrong doing. Even the staffing agencies are gun shy and misinterpretting the law. Anyway, going back to my old company as a consultant won't be easy or quick. I have a bunch of meetings on my calendar next week and, as of right now, I won't be there for any of them. Unless I feel like donating my time, which isn't likely because it devalues my time. I've done my part. It's up to them, now.


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