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Friday, January 19, 2007

Two Weeks

It's only two weeks until my band is tentatively going to be making our demo record. The date depends on whether or not we hear back from the studio and they have time available on that day. I was worried that we aren't ready. After the rehearsal we had last night, I think we'll do fine. We went through our three songs several times and sounded pretty tight on all of them. We even time left over to work on a couple of other songs and have some fun. Picture a Grateful Dead concert. The songs just take on a life of their own. We did that last night. A three minute song lasted at least ten minutes. I don't know if an audience would appreciate it, but we sure enjoyed it. My fingers are sore today. It's a good kind of pain.

If anyone cares what is going on our demo, the current plan is:

Proud Mary
Stand By Me
Wicked Rain


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