They'll give a blog to anybody.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Rock n Roll Star?

Tonight is my band's (Green Elephant) first gig since I joined them last November. It was originally supposed to be in April but got postponed until tonight. We're playing in the quad during an open house at one of the local high schools and don't get paid. We got the gig because one of our guitarists is one of the teachers. We are playing three times during the program for a total of about 75 minutes. We're playing eleven songs during the three sets. I get to sing one of them (Jumping Jack Flash). I hope I can pull it off. We've been rehearsing it for a few weeks and everyone is still letting me sing. Maybe that's a good sign, I hope it's not that everyone is playing so loudly they can't hear me sing. I'm playing bass on about half the songs and keyboard or percussion on the others.

I've still got about eleven hours until the gig starts and I'm already nervous. I hear that's a good sign. Too bad it's at a high school and not a bar. No alcohol allowed on campus. We'll just have to drink before we get there. :-)

I'm going to try to take video of the show. If I do tape it, I'll try to put up a clip or two.

This is the first stop on my road to fame and fortune. Okay, it's my first stop on my way to Home Depot to pick up painting supplies. It's practically the same thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Break a leg!! Make sure you update your blog to let us know how it went!


5/14/2007 10:22 PM


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