They'll give a blog to anybody.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry @^$# Christmas

Doesn't it just figure.

I managed to scrimp, save, and work extra hours so I could have a Christmas vacation from December 21 to January 2nd. On my first day off, I got sick. This feels like the kind of thing that isn't going to go away in a day or two. I may as well go to work. Better to share the germs with my co-workers and save my vacation time for when I'm healthy. I don't want to waste my time off being sick.

Wishing you all a germ free Christmas.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Cheer

I like the holiday season. I enjoy Christmas more than New Year's. But the whole build up from Thanksgiving to Christmas is my favorite time of the year.

I also enjoy people who can make me smile.

Combining these two elements, I present some audio for your enjoyment. Although I don't think my wife finds these amusing. Impaired and infantile dear :)

Christmas Songs with alternate melodies:
Joy to The World
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

Humorous Christmas songs in the styles of popular songs:
Toy Sack
Wreck The Malls
There's A Santa Who Looks A Lot Like Elvis
I Am Santa Claus

Impersonation Christmas messages:
Manger 6
A Visit From St. Nicholson
A Letter to Santa
A Message From the King

There are lots more you can listen to on-line or purchase from the creator: Bob Rivers

Have a very merry Christmas and don't forget to smile.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Stupid Question of the Day

Good morning honey. Would you like me to bring you back a mocha when I go to the store?

Friday, December 09, 2005


I haven't posted in over week.

I don't know if it's because I'm too busy or I don't have anything to write. Maybe I'm just a slug and have spending too much time doing other non-productive things. I haven't finished the Christmas decorating. I haven't been to the church to pay bills this week. I haven't sent the email I promised to send my mother with the girl's sizes and Christmas lists. I haven't even opened the email from my sister-in-law asking me what I want for Christmas.

Last night, I fell asleep on the sofa during the last ten minutes of CSI. I woke up around 11:30 and went to bed. Everyone else in the house was already asleep. I suppose I need to get up off my duff and start working out a little. That way, maybe I'll at least build up enough stamina to stay awake while I'm being a couch potato.

Let's be positive. What DID I get done this week? Hmm...




Still thinking...

I got some of the outside Christmas lights put up so we don't look like the only Scrooge in the neighborhood. I got down to the tax office and did a few practice returns to prepare for tax season. I got the refrigerator cleaned our this morning. I finished my monthly report at work.
I finally emailed the leader of a band I played in last year to ask for a copy of a picture of us. It proves I was in a band, once.

Okay it's not exciting, but at least it's something.

I have Christmas party to look forward to tonight. That should be fun. I probably shouldn't drink too much (yeah right) because I have stuff to do tomorrow. I also drank enough at least weekend's party to cover tonight. Maybe I'll wear the Christmas vest from my tux since I didn't wear it WITH my tux last weekend. My wife will LOVE that.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Canopy over the fenceThe instructions on the box said something like "Do not leave out in the wind". I'm a guy. I know what I'm doing. I don't need no stinkin' instructions.

I guess the person who wrote the instructions was a guy, too.

On the plus side, now I get to go to Home Depot and look at metal tubing. Maybe I'll get some duct tape while I'm at it because duct tape can fix anything. Of course, I could get the concrete poured and build the permanent structure. Hmmm, I'll to think about that.

It might ruin my image if I finished a project in less than five years.