I haven't posted in over week.
I don't know if it's because I'm too busy or I don't have anything to write. Maybe I'm just a slug and have spending too much time doing other non-productive things. I haven't finished the Christmas decorating. I haven't been to the church to pay bills this week. I haven't sent the email I promised to send my mother with the girl's sizes and Christmas lists. I haven't even opened the email from my sister-in-law asking me what I want for Christmas.
Last night, I fell asleep on the sofa during the last ten minutes of CSI. I woke up around 11:30 and went to bed. Everyone else in the house was already asleep. I suppose I need to get up off my duff and start working out a little. That way, maybe I'll at least build up enough stamina to stay awake while I'm being a couch potato.
Let's be positive. What DID I get done this week? Hmm...
Still thinking...
I got some of the outside Christmas lights put up so we don't look like the only Scrooge in the neighborhood. I got down to the tax office and did a few practice returns to prepare for tax season. I got the refrigerator cleaned our this morning. I finished my monthly report at work.
I finally emailed the leader of a band I played in last year to ask for a copy of a picture of us. It proves I was in a band, once.
Okay it's not exciting, but at least it's something.
I have Christmas party to look forward to tonight. That should be fun. I probably shouldn't drink too much (yeah right) because I have stuff to do tomorrow. I also drank enough at least weekend's party to cover tonight. Maybe I'll wear the Christmas vest from my tux since I didn't wear it WITH my tux last weekend. My wife will LOVE that.