Life Insurance
Max-es out it I have an accident while traveling on a business trip.
Just sayin'...
They'll give a blog to anybody.
Hooray, Thanksgiving is over. That means it's time for my favorite season, Christmas. I refuse to acknowledge anything Christmas until after Thanksgiving. But now, it's time for music, decoratiing, smells, parties, and all the things that make this my favorite month of the year.
Last night's family event was to go see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. We all thought it was a very good movie. They keep getting better. They had to leave out a lot of stuff because the book was so long but I think most of the key points were there.
Email spam from my dad...
I was listening to the radio playing McCartney A to Z on the drive home from work yesterday. They played a clip of an interview where he said that he flies in from his base of operations (LA on the west coast), does his sound check, and plays the show. Then he flies home and sleeps in his own bed. Sounds good to me. Unfortunately, his flight must have been delayed. At 7:00, when the concert was supposed to start, everyone was waiting outside of the arena while the sound check was still under way. Of course, I don't think I ever went to a concert that started on time, so it was no big deal.
We're going to a Beatles, I mean Paul McCartney, concert tonight. I still remember wanting a pair of Beatle boots when I was VERY young (5-ish). Paul has always been my favorite.
Women are mean.
I started this blog because I'm a lemming and many of my friends have blogs. I enjoy reading them and thought I might enjoy trying to write. I had delusions that maybe my incredible wit and observations of the world would be of interest to the rest of the world. Since my wife is always there to point out when I'm wrong, I thought maybe it's her and not me. So, I am throwing thoughts out into the ether to see if there is any hope of my being right, about anything.
My wife and I went to a cocktail party last weekend at the home of some friends. We have been to their home for parties many times before. This was the first time the invitation was specifically for a cocktail party.