Sorry Stacy
I was going to write something profound and interesting today. Unfortunately, things got busy here at work and I didn't have time and forgot what I was going to write. Maybe tomorrow. :)
They'll give a blog to anybody.
I was going to write something profound and interesting today. Unfortunately, things got busy here at work and I didn't have time and forgot what I was going to write. Maybe tomorrow. :)
If I say it enough, will that make it true?
We saw the DaVinci Code on Friday. Mrs. Dirpus and I both thought it was a good movie. If you liked National Treasure, you'll like this. It has the same treasure hunt, action thing going on.
Thanks to everyone that contributed to my sabbatical fund yesterday. With evyone's help I raised a whopping $0.00 and a "check's in the mail" from Martha. I guess have to keep coming to work. Darn.
Eureka, I have found it!
My wife put a link to yesterday's post on a message board she occasionally visits. I normally get 5 to 8 hits a day on my little blog. Maybe 13 or 14 on a busy day. I had 7 hits before she posted the link about 10:00 AM. By 8:30 last night, I had 347 hits on this blog. Yesterday's traffic was 20% of all the activity I've had, total, in the 7 months I've had this blog up.
Back in March, some people I know, and myself, all wrote about the same thing. We publicized our dressing preference. I stated emphatically that I was a hetero-dressual and ridiculed the homo-dressuals.
We went out with some friends over the weekend to celebrate one's 40th birthday. I was driving so I had very little to drink. Just one beer in the bar before dinner and another during dinner. I had soda and water the rest of the evening. I was very good. So why did I feel hung over yesterday?
One of my co-workers has a pilot's license and is going out to practice some instrument approaches this afternoon. He has to do so many every 6 months to keep his rating current. He asked if I wanted to go with him. My schedule is open, so sure! Sounds like fun.
I thought things would calm down after tax season finished. The only thing that slowed down was the number of tax returns I prepared. Everything else seemed to sense the available time a sucked it right up. The real job has been crazy for... I don't know, it's all just a blur.